Gut Renew: Replenish Nutrients in Your Gut and Restore Your Gut Health

Man in gray t-shirt are stomachache, concept as health care and medicine

Gut Health Can Determine Your Overall Health

Good gut health can keep you lean, healthy, and energetic. Think of your digestive tract as a tube. Ideally, the lining of that tube keeps everything you swallow intact until it gets properly broken down or digested. The gut barrier also decides what gets through that wall.

A healthy gut keeps dangerous things intact while allowing nutrients to move through the wall.

However, the lining of your gut can erode or wear away; this is called “leaky gut.” When this happens, bad things that shouldn’t get through the wall do. Your immune system kicks in to fight these foreign invaders, creating inflammation.

Your Gut, Your Immune System, and Inflammation

Inflammation isn’t bad. Inflammation is your body’s natural immune response, which fights off foreign invaders, heals injuries, and keeps you healthy. But when your immune system stays in overdrive because of gut problems, so does inflammation, which can contribute to numerous diseases.

These gut problems can take many forms. Heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, and leaky gut can appear as symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. These types of symptoms may mean that your healthy gut bacteria are out of balance.

What happens in your gut doesn’t always stay in your gut. Gut-related symptoms can be a signal that something else is wrong.

There are about 300 to 500 different kinds of bacteria in your gut. All together, they are called your microbiota. You have a balance of good and bad gut bacteria. A healthy gut maintains the right balance to keep you lean, healthy, and free from disease.

But when the bad bacteria overpower the good ones — sometimes called bacterial overgrowth — a wide range of problems can occur.

Health Conditions Related to Poor Gut Health

Researchers connect these imbalances with many conditions including:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Colon cancer
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism
  • Arthritis

We are all unique, and everyone has a different makeup of these bacteria. You can’t change your genetics, but you have plenty of control to keep the right mix of gut bacteria to stay healthy.

Improve Your Gut Health

The right foods play a big role to restore gut health. MaxLiving Core and Advanced Nutrition Plans contain food rich in the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients to support a healthy gut.

Good habits like regular exercise can also maintain the right gut balance. But too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Heavy exercise can decrease blood flow and other problems, contributing to gut problems including leaky gut.

Other things your gut is exposed to regularly — prescription drugs including antibiotics, constant stress, and environmental toxins — can also take their toll on your gut. These problems disrupt your gut wall and create problems throughout your body.

Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle choices, a few well-researched nutrients can help protect your gut against assaults including:

These and other assaults damage your gut, but they can also hurt your overall health.

If you are experiencing gut problems, and have any of the symptoms of gas, bloating, and loose stools, please consult your healthcare practitioner and discuss these and other nutrients that might help your specific condition.

Zinc Carnosine

Zinc carnosine — a compound of zinc and the protein building block L-carnosine — can lower inflammation in your gut. This unique nutrient can also strengthen the gut wall and prevent exercise-related leaky gut.

For over 20 years, Japan has used zinc carnosine for any gut condition that requires protection and repair of the mucosal layer of the gut, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

GERD occurs when the content of your stomach goes up instead of down. More commonly called heartburn, GERD impacts up to 30 percent of people in Western countries. At their worst, GERD complications can be life-threatening.

Zinc-carnosine can also support your gut’s mucous lining. This nutrient can significantly improve conditions for people with stomach ulcers.

Other things, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, like Motrin, Aleve, and Advil), can also damage your gut wall contribute to leaky gut. Research shows that zinc-carnosine can prevent that from happening.


L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. It works as a building block of protein to support your immune system, gut health, and so much moreThis amino acid can also help lower inflammation.

Your gut uses L-glutamine as a fuel source. In fact, it is your gut’s preferred fuel source. This makes L-glutamine ideal for a wide range of gut problems, including Crohn’s disease, gastritis or stomach inflammation, and more.

L-glutamine supports your gut wall by preventing problems like leaky gut. Keeping your gut wall strong prevents harmful bacteria or toxins from escaping your gut and creating harm. Your intestinal cells also need L-glutamine for growth and maintenance.

When your body doesn’t have enough glutamine for these and other roles, it may break down important protein sources — such as muscle — to get this workhorse amino acid. Inadequate amounts of L-glutamine can also compromise immune function.

L-glutamine can help make glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant. Glutathione can protect against excess free radicals, which can damage any organ including your gut.

Some people can especially benefit from L-glutamine supplements. They include people with acute or chronic bowel disease, burns, trauma, infections, and immune disorders. Heavy exercise can also increase your need for L-glutamine.

Methylsylfonylmethane (MSM)

Stomach ulcers — sores in your stomach lining — can create pain, bleeding, vomiting, and other problems. MSM is a sulfur-containing compound that can lower your risk of stomach ulcers.

One animal study found that MSM could protect the mucus layer in your stomach that ulcers damage and prevent these ulcers from occurring.

MSM can also help:

  • Reduce joint pain
  • Lower inflammation
  • Support your immune system

Research supports MSM for various conditions from arthritis to post-exercise recovery. MSM can also help make the antioxidant glutathione.


Quercetin is an antioxidant found in apples and onions. Quercetin helps fight damaging free radicals and can also lower gut inflammation levels.

Animals studies show that quercetin can support the cells that keep your gut wall strong and potentially even prevent gut-related problems, like colitis or inflammation of the colon.

N-Acetyl Glucosamine

N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG), a chemical from the outer shells of shellfish, helps protect the lining of your gut wall so you digest food well. NAG can reduce side effects like nausea for people with IBD.

NAG can interfere with some medications and possibly raise blood sugar levels. This is why it is critical that you always discuss including these and any other nutrients with your healthcare practitioner before taking, and never modify any medications or other medical advice without your healthcare practitioner’s consent.

DGL, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Okra, and Cat’s Claw

These relaxing herbs can support your gut in many ways.

Chamomile, for instance, can lower inflammation and relax your stomach muscles. This herb can soothe your stomach, eliminate side effects like gas, and relieve gut irritation. Chamomile can also significantly reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) can lower stomach inflammation, and marshmallow root can soothe your stomach and support regular bowel movements.


Your intestinal cells secrete this glycoprotein or proteins with a carbohydrate attached. Mucin can help support your gut’s mucus protective barrier. When your mucus barrier is damaged or worn away, leaky gut and more inflammation can occur. Mucin coats your gut lining to keep that barrier strong.

Citrus Pectin and Prune Powder

Citrus pectin, derived from the peels and pulp of citrus fruit, can lower inflammation levels and help produce butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) that fuels your colon. Prune powder, made from the dried fruit of plume trees, can support healthy digestionBoth of these nutrients are fiber sources to support regularity.

Gut Renew is an All-in-one Gut Health Formula

All of these nutrients provide their own gut-healing benefits, but they also work well together to restore gut health and help your digestive system carry out all its functions.

MaxLiving combined these nutrients in one easy-to-use powder called Gut RenewGut Renew comes in a great-tasting peach flavor that mixes well in liquids. You can feel good knowing you’re getting all the right nutrients in the correct amounts to keep your gut strong and healthy.

You can also just swallow a capsule with the same nutrients. The nutrients in this product, exclusively available here, can play many critical roles in gut health, including:

  • Supporting the mucus layer of your gut
  • Maintaining the right balance of gut bacteria
  • Keeping your gut wall strong to prevent leaky gut
  • Healing gut inflammation
  • Reducing ulcers
  • Promoting healthy regular bowel movements

Discuss including these and/or any other additional supplements with your healthcare practitioner. Never modify any medications or other medical advice without your healthcare practitioner’s consent.