Spring is just about here, which means it’s nearing the time to tackle the task of the season – spring cleaning! There’s nothing like the feeling of a fresh, clean house but let’s not even pretend for a second that the task is pleasant. Spring cleaning requires a lot of work and if your body isn’t ready, it can even be painful. Here’s why you should use chiropractic care to give your health a boost for the spring months ahead.
Before you jump into the task of spring cleaning, you want to be sure you aren’t battling any aches and pains that could turn into injuries if unattended to. The neck and back are just two areas likely to experience pain throughout your cleaning process. At Momentum Chiropractic, we can work to remove joint restrictions through chiropractic adjustments in an effort to improve mobility and reduce pain. Since spring is the season that increased movement seems to surface, now is a great time to take full advantage of that benefit.
Warmer, dryer weather means getting outside is a lot more likely. And the more we get outside, the more likely we are to be active, whether that is with the family pet or your kids, or even just by yourself for a refreshing walk or hike. Activity tends to pick up in the spring since we spent a good chunk of time cooped up in the house during the winter months. We exercise more. We go outside for walks and hikes and picnics. We may even play friendly games of football, soccer, and basketball. While all of that activity is definitely a good thing, it might also mean a little more pain. Chiropractors may be able to help keep restrictions away from the spine, which may help ward off pain and tension. Getting chiropractic care now can help your body get prepared for the new activity while still maintaining good health.
Working in the garden is a favorite Spring pastime because we are craving color from flowers and there’s an urgency to get the vegetable garden set up, but done incorrectly, it can easily lead to injury. From shoveling dirt into your raised beds to bending over to sow your seeds, make sure you’re using the proper form to prevent yourself from straining your back.
If you are planning a garden, do your best to break up time spent preparing your garden by sticking to one or two tasks a day. Easing into strenuous activities can keep you from overwhelming your body.
The best preventative measure to take when getting started is to use proper lifting techniques when shoveling or using the garden hoe by bending at your knees instead of your back to do the heavy lifting. You can also use a garden stool to keep you from bending over to tend to the garden and sow your seeds. Bending, twisting, and reaching repetitively can also strain your joints and muscles easily. If you find yourself needing to do the same task over and over, try taking frequent breaks and stretching in between.
One of the hardest parts of starting any project is motivation. Chiropractic treatment won’t magically give you motivation, but regular adjustments can help you feel better and improve your overall health and wellness, which may give you the motivation that makes taking on tasks that much easier. Many patients report increased energy, which will help you get your projects off to a great start and allow you to meet your fitness goals so you can live your best healthy life!