July is here and it’s heating up! Literally and figuratively. The hot days have arrived and we are (mostly) free to move about the country with fewer restrictions than last summer. With this combination, we at Momentum Chiropractic have some summer fun suggestions for you and your family to enjoy.
Playing outside with your children isn’t just about encouraging more physical activity. A 2019 study found that kids who spend time in green spaces were far less likely to develop compounding issues such as anxiety and mood disorders, as adolescents or adults. If green spaces are good for kids, then they are certainly beneficial for adults with work or home related stressors as well. While most of these suggestions are for activities to do together outside, we know the occasional rainy day still sneaks in (this IS the NW after all), so we have offered a few inside activity suggestions too. Whatever you choose, just have fun!
Sunsets can be so vibrant this time of year. It may take a bit to get dark, so combine some activities and make a scavenger hunt for a nearby park with a great view of the setting sun. Bring some healthy snacks to enjoy, and soak in the sweet summer air together.
Memorialize these sweet summer moments by assembling a family time capsule. Have everyone collect items that remind them of the fun memories you’ve made together and pack it up and date it. How fun will it be to open it up in a few years to reminisce?
Very importantly, get outside! We are all too familiar with how dark and grey those PNW winters can be, and it will sneak up on us soon enough. Whether you’re into walking, running, sports, or beach combing, being in the fresh air with the ones you love is good for your physical and mental health and wellness.
Stuck inside for a few days? No problem! Exercise those creative, cognitive and problem-solving muscles with a good puzzle. You can use a store-bought variety or have the kids make their own. Have your children draw a picture on a sturdy piece of cardboard or heavy paper. Then use a pencil to outline puzzle pieces directly on their drawing. Cut out the pieces with a good pair of scissors, mix them up and get solving. Indoor games and craft in one fun activity!
Have small children who are curious about outdoor activities that they just might not be ready for yet? Set up a fishing pool in your bathtub! With supervision, have your littles fill the tub with objects and then let them try to catch them.
Summer will be gone before we know it, but until then, enjoy each other and make time to recharge. If Momentum Chiropractic can help you in any stage of your health journey, please give us a call today!