Measuring The Needs of Your Body
Here is the deal. Your body does not work on carbohydrates, protein, or fat percentage. It does not require a specific number of grams of protein. It has no caloric needs.
All of these measurements, these equations, and mediums we have come up with to try and explain what the body needs, have been built into our language and currency, NOT the body’s. We use them to try and communicate observations. [1]
The currency of the body––what drives it to function, what it does, how much energy you have, and fat or muscle measurements––is not calories or any of these other equations and mediums we have come up with.
Carbohydrates and Your Glycogen Stores
The body is way more dynamic than that; way more open and complex.
Knowing this, is there an answer to how many carbs you can eat?
Honestly, just enough to use in your next 2 hours and fill your glycogen stores. That is it, and that will be different for each person and vary each day. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat them to function.
The truth of the matter is you don’t NEED any carbs (grains more specifically) in your diet. There are no absolutely essential carbohydrates (grains). Your body can make all the carbs that it needs.[2] [3]
This doesn’t mean they can’t be healthy and beneficial, but it is very EASY to overdo it, which is what we observe in society. Heart disease, diabetes, prediabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, and even many cancers have been directly linked to an insulin issue.
Most insulin issues come from a carbohydrate or sugar overindulgence habit that has been catered to for years. So, be very careful with what you are putting into your mouth!
Why is Carbohydrates a Dangerous Indulgence?
Everyone has a genetic requirement for movement/exercise, and we were all meant to move our bodies A LOT.
Your physical activity reduces your glycogen stores, and when we eat any carbohydrates those stores get filled up mostly in our muscles. If there is any extra, we store it as fat. Fat, in this case, is like a savings account.
We are taught to see fat as the bad guy in disease, which isn’t the whole truth. Small amounts of fat, particularly when you are following a steady workout routine and a healthy eating regimen, are simply a natural part of life, created by the body as a sort of insurance for if you are ever without proper nourishment.[4]
However, too much fat, and particularly fat gained from high carb intake via grains and sugars, can be a risk.
How Many Total Carbohydrates Should You Eat?
The truth is, it depends on what shape you are in, how often you move your body, and how much savings account energy you carry around (fat). But to keep it simple, not much. I have observed and experienced in my childhood that most people eat more carbs for breakfast than they need for 2-3 complete days. Keep that in mind!
You may not need to eliminate all types of carbohydrates completely from your diet, but you should be aware of the sort and amount of carbohydrates you are ingesting. Focus on complex carbohydrates like whole grains (seeds, granolas) and natural sugars (fruits) rather than the processed food alternatives (white bread, desserts, etc.). You can also check which foods have a higher glycemic index; foods higher in the glycemic index release glucose rapidly which can affect blood glucose levels.
In addition, limit the intake of these ‘healthy’ carbs, and fill your meals with foods rich in proteins and other nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals in cruciferous vegetables). If you are looking for assistance in measuring out what your meals should look like, check out MaxLiving’s Core and Advanced Plans.
We are here to help your friends and family know that being healthy is not hard, it just takes understanding how the body works, and then taking steps to change